Foreign material is the third leading cause of food recalls by the FDA and poses a serious threat to food safety, so controlling it is a critical aspect of any food safety plan. Here are three tips for doing so:
To assist in detecting foreign material, there are a variety of systems that can be used, including strainers, magnets, metal detectors, and X-ray units. Choosing the controls that are best for your facility should be based upon the hazard analysis you’ve conducted, which will provide an understanding of the risks faced, and direct implementation of the necessary detection systems. Examples of possible controls include:
Each of these systems is then most effective when used correctly as part of a foreign material management plan and overseen by a trained team.
Despite the use of foreign material removal devices in food processing, employee training is one of the most effective ways to take control of this highly visible and potentially damaging issue. By supporting employees with training to identify possible sources of foreign material and improve their controls, you will further reduce your risks. For instance, even the best metal detectors can be bypassed by an employee who places rejected product back on the line or turns off the metal detector or reject device when numerous rejects occur. The most important aspect of a foreign material detection policy is to educate employees about the significance of rejected materials and what the device is trying to tell them.
For all manufacturers, we offer a Foreign Material Control Assessment that helps identify gaps in gaps in written programs, evaluate employee practices, and assess plant and equipment conditions, resulting in actionable recommendations that work for your specific facility. We also offer an online course called Foreign Material Management that is specifically developed for snack and baked goods manufacturers and the specific scenarios faced in those operations.
Having a good plan, with the proper controls, that is executed by a trained team will minimize your risk of food contamination and help exceed your customers’ expectations for food safety and quality.
For more on the importance of having the right foreign material detection equipment in your facility, our Bonnie Biegel offered her expertise in the January issue of Food Engineering. She also offered her perspective on having the proper controls and training in support of reducing foreign materials to
Should you have any questions or need help establishing or improving your foreign material control plan, contract us at